We know that arranging insurance and submitting claims can feel overwhelming, but we work hard to keep things simple and easy for you. Read through our stories to see how we’ve assisted our customers through difficult situations.


Burst Pipe Claim

Our customer's contents insurer declined to pay for water damaged furniture as it was owned by their family.

The insurer's position

Following a burst pipe, our customer's insurance company declined to pay for damage to antique furniture as it did not belong to the insured.

Our response

The definition of "contents" in the policy wording is extended to include "items which you are legally responsible for".

Our customer had an agreement with their family member that he would look after, and be responsible for, the furniture while stored at his home address.


The insurer agreed this part of the claim should have been covered. They originally asked for a written agreement to be provided between our insured customer and the family member to prove legal responsibility. We argued that verbal agreements are legally binding and there is no requirement in the insurance policy for this type of agreement to be in written form. As this was an agreement between the family a written contract would not necessarily be expected.

The insurer changed their position and paid the claim in full.


Storm Damage

Our customer submitted a claim for their BBQ following damage caused by a fallen tree. Their insurer declined the claim.

The insurer's position

Our customer's insurer declined to pay for the damaged BBQ as they said storm damage is excluded for contents kept in the open.

Our response

The policy wording included a more specific peril "falling trees/branches".

Rather than the storm peril, we argued the claim should instead be made under the falling trees and branches section. This section did not carry the same exclusion for contents in the open.


The insurer agreed and paid the claim in full.

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© 2022

Macbeth Scott & Co Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 303928). Registered in England and Wales Company No. 01058241 at 3 New Road, Kendal, Cumbria, LA9 4AY.

You can find Macbeth Scott & Co Limited on the FCA register at https://register.fca.org.uk/


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